during which step would you review any handouts or previous assignments?

 Reviewing handouts or previous assignments is typically a useful step during the early stages of preparing for a new assignment. This step is part of the initial planning and understanding phase. Here's where you would incorporate this review:

  1. Understanding the Assignment:

    • When you first receive a new assignment, start by thoroughly reviewing any handouts, assignment guidelines, and instructions provided by your instructor. This initial review is crucial for understanding the expectations and requirements of the task.
  2. Gathering Information:

    • If the new assignment builds upon or relates to previous assignments, it's beneficial to review your past work. This can provide insights into the topics covered, feedback received, and any patterns or trends in your approach to similar tasks.
  3. Identifying Key Concepts:

    • Handouts or materials from previous classes might contain key concepts or information relevant to the current assignment. Reviewing these materials can help you identify connections and build on your existing knowledge.
  4. Aligning with Course Themes:

    • Consider how the current assignment fits into the overall themes or topics covered in the course. Reviewing handouts or assignments from earlier in the semester can provide context and help you align your work with the course objectives.
  5. Avoiding Repetition and Mistakes:

    • By reviewing previous assignments, you can avoid repeating mistakes or common errors. Learning from feedback and corrections on earlier work contributes to improved performance in new assignments.
  6. Building on Previous Work:

    • If the current assignment is a continuation of a project or research, reviewing handouts or materials from the earlier phase can help you seamlessly build on what you've already accomplished.
  7. Checking for Guidelines and Formats:

    • Handouts or examples from previous assignments might contain information about formatting, citation styles, or other guidelines. Reviewing these can save time and ensure that your new assignment adheres to the required standards.

By incorporating the review of handouts and previous assignments early in your preparation process, you set a solid foundation for understanding the context, requirements, and expectations of the new assignment. This proactive approach can lead to more effective planning and a higher quality of work.


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